(852) 2521-1312
Mon - Fri 09:00-17:30
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Mediation & Dispute Resolution

Communication and collaboration are key to reaching peaceful solutions, and we are committed to help you achieve that.

We maintain close working relationships with various professionals in the field of family disputes, including psychologists, accountants, and particularly co-parenting coordinators and family mediators. Our aim is to provide our clients with the best possible solutions.

We are fully committed to promoting dispute resolution through mediation, both with regard to financial matters and issues involving children. One such alternative method of dispute resolution in matrimonial and family proceedings is known as “Private Financial Adjudication.”

We firmly believe that amicable mediation is the most effective means of resolving family disputes. However, in some instances, parties may be unable to reach a resolution through mediation or at a Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR) hearing, particularly when a stronger party insists on holding out until the other party backs down. In such circumstances, we are not hesitant to take strong actions when required.

We are dedicated to representing our clients to the fullest extent possible, and we will not shy away from assertive action when the situation demands it.


If you are facing a family dispute and seeking an amicable resolution, contact us to discuss how we can assist you.